Supports for victims of crime is the main theme of tonight’s Annual General Meeting of Carlow Neighbourhood Watch and Community Alert Schemes.
The AGM will be hearing from a range of speakers including local Sergeant Peter McConnon who’ll be talking about Carlow Crime Profile as well as Crime Prevention.
Margaret Quinn will be representing Muintir na Tíre – the national organisation promoting community development in Ireland – as their South East Development Officer.
Sergeant John Foley will be talking about the Garda Victims’ Charter – which outlines the services available to those who’ve been victims of crime.
Those attending will also hear about the Federation of Victim Support from Anna O’Rourke and Superintendant Gerry Redmond will also be speaking.
Tonight’s meeting is only for coordinators of the Neighbourhood Watch and Community Alert schemes and takes place from 7 o’clock in Carlow County Council Chambers.