Walking and cycling in Carlow and Kilkenny’s set for a boost with more than €5m worth of funding announced.
There’s €3m allocated for 26 projects across Kilkenny and €2.5m for 24 in Carlow.
Transport Minister Eamon Ryan has confirmed a €289million kitty from the National Transport Authority for 1,200 walking and cycling schemes across the country.
Included in both counties are the Active Travel Offices’ staff costs, light segregation cycle schemes, footpaths in various areas, safe routes to schools, and transport studies or mobility plans for Kilkenny City and Carlow Town.
Added to those are the progression of schemes including the one-way system on Callan’s Bridge Street, Kilkenny City’s demarcation and gateways, Vicar Street improvement as well as studies regarding the Watergate Urban Park and the Muniebheag Railway Crossings.
Walking and cycling tracks in Carlow along the River Burren, on the Dublin Road, Tullow Road, and in Tullow town are listed.
So too are bridge improvement works for Greensbridge, Goresbridge, and the George Semple Bridge which links Tinnahinch and Graignamanagh.
The overall aim is to make urban centres more attractive places to live, work and visit.
The projects are also good for public health and the environment as well as promoting the most economic and efficient transport system.
Approved schemes for Carlow County Council:
River Burren Walking & Cycle Track
Hanover to Tyndall Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme
Green Lane/Railway Road Junction Improvement Scheme
Tullow Road Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme, Carlow
Dublin Road Pedestrian and Cycle Scheme, Carlow
Staplestown Rd/Pollerton Rd Permeability Link, Carlow
River Barrow Walk Permeability Link, Carlow
Tullow Town Orbital Walking & Cycling Scheme
New Footpath Schemes – Grange, Kildavin, Borris
Transport Studies / Mobility Plans – including Carlow Town
Muinebheag Railway Crossings Study
Light Segregation Cycle Schemes
Low Cost Junction Tightening/Pedestrian Crossing Schemes
Low-Cost Permeability Measures
Safe Routes to Schools Programme – Support Infrastructure
George Semple Bridge, Tinnahinch
Mountain View Link, Hackettstown
Rathoe Road, Tullow
Fenagh Rd, Borris
Springfield Park to Green Road Walking & Cycle Track
Royal Oak Road, Bagnalstown
Church Street, Graiguecullen
Ashgrove, Carlow
Cycle Parking
Carlow County Council Active Travel Office – Staff Costs
Approved schemes for Kilkenny County Council:
City Centre Traffic Management Plan
Cootes Lane to Ring Road
Public Lighting Improvements along footpaths, walkways and cycleways
Laneway & Street Network to West of City Centre
Safe School Zones
City Demarcation & Gateways
Greensbridge Upgrade
Ring Road Cycle Facility Upgrade
Ancillary Cycling Facilities
Bridge Street Callan, One Way System
Flaggy Lane Callan footpath and cycleway
Footpath development (various locations)
Safe to Schools Programme – Support Infrastructure
Low Cost Junction Tightening/Pedestrian Crossing Schemes in Kilkenny City
Light Segregation Cycle Schemes
Low-Cost Permeability Measures in Kilkenny City
North Western Environs Cycle Routes Improvements
North Eastern Environs Cycle Routes Improvements
Southern Environ Cycle Routes Improvements
Kilkenny City Inner Orbital Route and Pedestrian Improvement Scheme
Footpath development (various locations)
Vicar Street Improvement Study
Watergate Urban Park Study
George Semple Bridge Improvement Works Study
Goresbridge – Bridge Improvement Works Study
Kilkenny County Council Active Travel Office – Staff Costs