Concerns continue over ongoing public lighting issues that have left several areas of Carlow in darkness, leading to safety and visibility worries.
At this week’s monthly meeting of the local authority, councillors called for a update after fears of increased risk of accidents, others citing about personal safety issues.
There are over 6,600 lights across the county, about 150 of which are currently out of commission.
CEO of Carlow County Council Coilín Ó Reilly has told KCLR News it’s not always the bulbs that are the issues, noting’ “The two large ones at the moment at Green Lane, we’ve repaired that twice at this stage so at this stage we’re starting to realise there’s a larger infrastructural problem there that we need to get to the bottom of, Mountain View’s an ESB connection issue, that’s now sorted so it’s not always as simple as the bulb but every lightbulb in the county over the next year or so will be replaced with LED”.