After Kilkenny and Carlow county councils both approved a hike in the property tax for next year Dublin City Councillors have voted to reduce the charge.
A 15 percent reduction was approved there last night while in Limerick members voted to increase the charge by 7.5 percent.
Kilkenny Councillors voted last week for a 15 percent hike – the maximum allowed – while members in Carlow approved a 5 percent increase yesterday.
Fine Gael Councillor Brian O’Donoghue says it will mean about 10 cent extra a week for most households which he says is ‘affordable’.
He says he would prefer to be giving people back 10 cent a week but the members that voted in favour of the increase were taking responsibility for the future delivery of vital services in the county.
An online KCLR poll running since Monday night has seen more than 2,500 respondents so far with over 97% against any increase in the LPT.