Edward says: This recipe is delicious and is really suitable for family and friends alike.
The stir fry part of this recipe is also suitable for pork, duck or chicken.
- 7oz/200g medium egg noodles
- 1 red chilli-chopped very finely
- 2 cloves of garlic-chopped
- 1 ½ lb/700g beef (cut into very thin strips)
- 1 ½ mixed peppers (sliced thinly)
- 1 medium onion (red or white-sliced thinly)
- 3oz/75g maungetout
- 5-6 mushrooms-sliced
- ½ teaspoon of ground cumin
- 4 tablespoons sweet chilli sauce
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce
Blanch and refresh the noodles by cooking them according to the packet instructions and then strain them into a sieve and leave them under cold running water until they have completely cooled down. Store in the fridge until required.
Heat a large saucepan or wok. Have all of the ingredients prepared in advance because you do need to stand over this dish.
Add a little oil to the wok together with the chilli, garlic and sliced beef.
Allow the beef to seal off quite quickly. Next add in all of the sliced vegetables (peppers, mushrooms, onions, maungetout) allow these to cook quickly for approximately 2-3 minutes on a high heat. (See TOP TIP)
Mix together the sweet chilli sauce and the soy sauce.
When the beef and vegetables are almost fully cooked, add in the blanched and refreshed noodles and the sweet chilli sauce and soy mixture and allow to cook for a further 2-3 minutes. Sprinkle in the ground cumin at this stage also.
Correct the seasoning of the dish at this stage
Refrain from adding any additional oil to the pan even if your mixture is dry on the pan-it is better instead to use some water or some stock and partially steam everything. This helps to keep your stir-fry from becoming greasy at the end.