The HSE has introduced several walk-in clinics locally to allow people avail of a booster vaccine in the run up to Christmas.
Starting today (Tuesday) in Carlow there will be a walk-in service for 60-69 year olds and healthcare workers to get a third jab between 2-5pm.
That option will also be available on Wednesday in the Carlow vaccination centre at the Woodford Dolmen Hotel.
Wednesday will also see another walk-in clinic for healthcare workers and those in the 60-69 age cohort in Kilkenny between 1.30pm and 4pm and on Thursday from 1.30pm to 7.15pm.
The walk-in option opens up to the over 50’s in Carlow on Friday running every afternoon from 2pm until Wednesday 22nd of December.
In Kilkenny over 50’s will have to wait until Monday 20th for the walk-in service which will then be offered daily until Wednesday 22nd from 8.15am to 7.30pm.
It will resume again at Cillín Hill on Tuesday 28th of December.
You can access full details of the booster clinics in Carlow and Kilkenny through the HSE website.