The hunt is on for those responsible for dumping a large amount of plastic bags.
It happened in the last 24 hours at Carrig More in Bagenalstown.
Sgt John Duffy has been telling KCLR News something like this can have huge environmental impact on areas we live in and they need help to bring those behind the action to account, noting; “When something like this happens we tend to look through the rubbish as much as possible to try and find where the owner may have been and see is there any identification within it, there wasn’t in this case, so we would ask if there was anybody in the area coming through that saw rubbish being dumped on the side whether they saw it coming from a car or a truck or wherever it may have been, and either can witness-seen it or have CCTV the Gardaí at Bagenalstown would very much like to hear from you”.
They can be contacted by ‘phone to 059 9721212.