A local councillor in South Kilkenny has urged motorists to slow down, and respect road signs and traffic lights, after a video of a near-miss at Redbridge level crossing went viral.
The video, captured on CCTV on New Year’s Day, depicts a car driving through the lowered barriers at the level crossing, moments before an oncoming train makes its way through the junction.
The incident has been condemned on social media, with different users decrying the driver’s actions.
Speaking to KCLR News, local councillor Pat Dunphy advised motorists to slow down, and noted the importance of obeying the rules of the road.
“People have to just take note of these things, if there’s traffic lights they just have to stop”, he noted, before continuing that “There’s no point in taking a chance, because their life could be at stake.”
Cllr. Dunphy then advised motorists to “keep an eye on things, that crossing gate is there for many years, so hopefully people just take note and slow down coming to those gates, and don’t try and get past them, if they’re coming down leave them down, because there’s a train nearby.”