The Heritage Minister says we have to make huge changes in Ireland and across the world to minimise the damage from Climate Change.
Local Green Minister Malcolm Noonan is reminding us that even meeting new targets will still mean massive effects on our climate and environment.
The Government’s new Climate Action Plan and the global COP26 summit in Glasgow are seeking measures to ensure temperatures don’t rise more than 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels.
Minister Noonan’s told The Way It Is that even if we manage to fulfil these promises and keep the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees ”it’s not good, it’s still hugely challenging for the vast majority of people in coastal areas, in developing countries and in low-lying areas even in Ireland.”
Local Political Analyst Sean Butler has told KCLR the government’s plan will require huge changes for everyone but they need to set out clearly how targets are going to be achieved.
Meanwhile at the COP26 in Glasgow, Greta Thunberg has called for drastic action to deal with the climate crisis which she says world leaders are ignoring.
The Swedish activist has been speaking to an estimated 10,000 young people in Glasgow – with many of them skipping school to raise awareness of environmental injustice.
The 18-year-old has accused some of those at the Cop26 climate talks in the city of knowing the values they are sacrificing to maintain “business as usual”.