A busy programme again this week on the Bottom Line as the dust settles after a hectic weekend spent at Kilkenomics, the annual orgy of economic analysis, prognostication and prescription mixed with comedy, sociability and fun. Phew.
Anyway, back to basics. Tom Molloy covered a wide range of topics this week. Some positive corporate news from DCC and Ryanair; the spat over the Government’s difficulty over bank pensions; the US election and likely impacts on business; the Gathering and Aer Arann pulling out of Waterford Airport.
[wp_media media=”audio” title=”Tom Molloy” artist=”The Bottom Line” volume=0.8 urls=”https://kclr96fm.com/media/TomMolloy0611.mp3″]
Then we were joined in studio by Mary Cullen of Insight HR about an event for business owners and managers as well as HR practitioners called “Adjusting for the Future”.
[wp_media media=”audio” title=”Mary Cullen” artist=”The Bottom Line” volume=0.8 urls=”https://kclr96fm.com/media/MaryCullen.mp3″]
And you can access that website here: http://insighthr.ie/
Last week we reported on the good news about €5.5 million in funding for the Medieval Mile. Kilkenny City and County Manager Joe Crockett joined us in studio to fill us in on the details.
[wp_media media=”audio” title=”Joe Crockett” artist=”The Bottom Line” volume=0.8 urls=”https://kclr96fm.com/media/Joe-Crockett.mp3″]
For council updates: http://kilkennycoco.ie/eng/
Sport and the voluntary sector are an increasingly important part of the economy . We talked to Aodan O Ruairc of James Stephens GAA Club about the business of running a big club how they raise the money and how they spend it.
[wp_media media=”audio” title=”James Stephens” artist=”The Bottom Line” volume=0.8 urls=”https://kclr96fm.com/media/JamesStephens.mp3″]
Keep up to date with James Stephens here: http://james-stephens.com/
Bottom Line Producer Edwina Grace joined me in studio for a quick round up of some of the weeks other business news.
[wp_media media=”audio” title=”Local News” artist=”The Bottom Line” volume=0.8 urls=”https://kclr96fm.com/media/LocalNews.mp3″]
And that my friends was another action packed edition of the Bottom Line.
If you’ve got a story or a suggestion for the programme contact us on [email protected] or of course you can follow us on Twitter or on Facebook