Well my neighbour couldn’t get over the violent content of The Sue Nunn Show yesterday! We had a Buzzard who was slaughtering prize ducks and hens in the North Kilkenny area and then the Cockrel [polite word] who was bullying an unfortunate hen to the extent that their owner had to come on the show looking for help. It was to some extent [the help] at hand however we did discover that Buzzards who were hunted and trapped to extincion in years gone by are now protected- so protected we heard that they are thriving all over the country. They are free seemingly to wreak havoc on prize fowl.
We heard a lovely piece of radio from Eimear O’Shea of The SNS team this morning. Eimear and Anne Neary visited Keogh’s Bakery in Callan County Kilkenny for the late night baking shift. They met Billy Keogh who told them the story of Keogh’s bakery. Kevin Keogh, Billy’s dad still works with the company at 91 years of age. They have a fantastic oven which dates back to the thirties and there was a time when the women of Green Street came to have their turkeys cooked in the oven of a Christmas morning!
You can listen back on “highlights of the show” on the drop down menu of The Sue Nunn Show page.
Staying with Callan we are at the Co-op tomorrow with the show for the culmination of Callan Towns Week. Tune in!