On Thursday’s Show:
- Gerry Watson reveals his terrifying experience as a Kilkenny city bus driver as rocks were thrown in his direction on Monday night.
- Roads policing inspector Paul Donohoe talks to us about driver behaviour and reflects on speeding fines issued on St Patrick’s Day.
- Seachtain na Gaeilge continues with Emma from Glór Cheatharlach.
- Sean Cooke of the Men’s Development Network addresses mens role to in solving violence against women.
- Winifred McDonagh Webster calls out a small section of her community who are giving all Travellers a bad name.
- Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien talks to us about local town centre projects that have received a major cash injection.
- Fr Paddy Byrne calls on the Catholic church hierarchy to lead the change when it comes to the blessing of same sex unions.
- Our Cheltenham update with Marcus Townsend of the Daily Mail UK.