The moving of Ukrainian nationals from a Carlow property may be halted.
Yesterday, we heard from one of the residents of the former Toughers Restaurant, close to the Kildare border, after it was revealed that up to 150 men, women and children there had been told they must leave in the next week or so, seemingly due to fire safety concerns.
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth in response to KCLR News says its initial decision to terminate the contract followed site inspections by an independent inspections company and they note “At the time of inspection, the quality of the accommodation being provided was found not to be of the necessary standard required by the Department. Notification of the intention to move the people living there was made in the interests of their safety. While the short period of notification regarding the move is unfortunate, this was unavoidable given the serious concerns raised.”
About 100 people took part in a protest though Carlow town streets yesterday.
Deputy Jennifer Murnane O’Connor confirmed to KCLR News yesterday that neither she nor Carlow County Council had been informed in advance and both, as well as other elected representatives, were seeking to delay the move which for most of those impacted would be to areas outside the county, with Kilkenny, Wexford and Tipperary all mentioned.
The Department says they have now engaged with the local authority “and have asked them to conduct a follow up inspection at the property to see if any steps can be taken to address the safety concerns. The outcome of this will determine whether these moves can be delayed.”
A statement adds “Where moves are necessary, the department aims to accommodate people in the vicinity, when and where possible.
However, given the significant number of people at this location and the shortage of accommodation the Department has under contract in this area, it is possible that properties in other parts of the country will have to be used.”
It concludes with; “We appreciate that this is a difficult situation for all those involved, however, we need to prioritise the safety of all residents.”
Images with thanks to Konstantin Belous.
Oleg is among the residents – he’s been talking to our Brian Redmond on today’s The KCLR Daily;