There’s been a change to the plan for the former Capuchin Friary in Carlow town.
Yesterday we revealed how 50 adult males who are international protection applicants were to be temporarily accommodated there and there’s been much discussion on that.
Deputy Jennifer Murnane O’Connor says “I got it confirmed there that it is families that will be going into the Capuchin Friary so it won’t be 50 men as previously people were saying and I was trying to find out from the Department what was happening and everyone wanted information which was fair enough but I can confirm from the Department now that it is families that are going into the Capuchin Friary”.
KCLR News has seen an updated briefing document which has been circulated by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to say following a meeting of the department “Regarding the increasing number of families and despite the ongoing acute shortage of accommodation for single males, it has been decided that the requirement to prioritise families must take precedence. As the Capuchin Centre is available for immediate use, it will be used to address the needs of families. This is one of a number of premises that will change use as a result of this shortage.”