The clock’s ticking to the start of the new educational year but for those at third level the focus is firmly on finding accommodation.
South East Technological University (SETU) has launched a new website to help its students.
Homeowners and landlords can now advertise directly to students in Waterford, Carlow and Wexford using the SETU-StudentPad
The idea is to connect homeowners with a room to rent, landlords with a house or apartment, and individuals looking for a flatmate or housemate.
It’s hoped it will encourage people to avail of the country’s rent-a-room scheme which allows people to rent a room in their home and earn up to €14,000 a year tax free.
It’s as a huge push to find beds kicks off in Dublin this morning.
The Digs Drive by the UCD Students Union’s aimed at people making their way to work and home – a team will be out and about distributing flyers to encourage homeowners to rent a room during the academic year.
Organiser of the event and President of the Union Molly Greenough says “We’ll be at the St Stephen’s Green Luas stop from 7 to 9am and then we’ll be going to the Balally Luas stop from 5 to 7pm so from Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week we’ll be targeting high traffic, commuter areas looking to speak with people”.