The local Green Minister says the Climate Action Bill will be the greatest legacy of this government.
Cabinet this week passed the legislation, which aims to reduce our carbon emission by 51% over the next nine years.
The bill, which also plans to make the economy carbon neutral by 2050, is now going through an eight week public consultation.
Minister Malcolm Noonan says this could be the most important thing the coalition does for the future
“There’s no doubt that our children, young people, the next generation will know [the Bill] and they will look back positively and say that Government acted when people of all ages, but particularly young people, in the 2020 general election were demanding that we took action on climate” he told The Way It Is. “I think that will be the positive legacy that this government will leave behind.”
He also believes the Bill could see a huge jobs boost nationwide.
“There’s a hell of a lot to be positive about, in my view” he shared. “This will require a huge collective and collaborative effort to get there, but the opportunities in terms of employment- I mean we’re seeing it all over the world, the future’s in the green economy and that’s where Ireland will have a competitive advantage.”