Around 400 secondary schools in Carlow, Kilkenny and around the country remain closed today because of industrial action.
The ASTI have withdrawn from supervision and substitution duties which has left many schools unable to reopen.
A letter from one local school to parents has said that they can’t guarantee the safety of students if there’s no-one supervising them at breaktimes and before and after school.
Management of the Presentation de la Salle, Bagenalstown, say they are bringing in people to cover these duties but it will take at least 6 weeks for them to be Garda vetted.
The ASTI is looking for an extra 6 euro payment a week for teachers for these duties but the Department of Education is refusing to negotiate outside the Lansdowne Road agreement.
The ASTI’s Vice President Ger Curtain says they want the original deal they were offered