ONE OF the most important writers of the 20th century was the topic of discussion with John Calder. When John founded Calder Publishing in 1949, Samuel Beckett would be one of the authors joining the publisher’s ranks in the late 50s. Publishing all of Beckett’s novels and some of his plays, John Calder has been living and breathing Samuel Beckett for over a half century and has a hand in a new Irish tour dissecting some of Beckett’s lesser known works. It arrives at Carlow Library’s GB Shaw Room on 12 February with performances on 14 February. I had a chance to chat with John to find out what the man behind Waiting For Godot was all about…
[wp_media media=”audio” title=”John Calder talks Samuel Beckett” artist=”The Arts Show” volume=0.8 urls=”″]
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Back next week with more,