Tonight’s show was dominated by the recently announced agreement between the government partners on emission targets. Matt was joined with Pat O’Toole, journalist with the Irish Farmers Journal (and farmer) to discuss the implications of the merging details on the deal.
Matt attended, with farmers and stakeholders in the Irish beef industry, the Teagsac run BEEF2022 event, on Tuesday 5th July at the Teagasc, Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Grange, Co. Meath. We heard from Anne Marie Butler and John Maher on the show.
We were joined by Minister Malcolm to get a Green Party / Government perspective on the deal and initial thoughts on the next steps.
There was no Tullow Mart Report this week due so circumstances beyond our control. George Candler was in studio to present the Kilkenny Mart Report.
Time did not allow the full set of interviews to be broadcast. The remaining interviews (with Mike Egan and Tom O’Dwyer) are below.