Well as I write Beano and the Boys from Graiguenamanagh are on their way to Berlin and tomorrow they will have Poznan in their sights. And as if that wasn’t enough the man overseeing all the pitches is also from Graigue and we spoke to him from Warsaw this morning. He says the pitch is in good order for Sunday. Richard Hayden learned much of what he knows about international sports pitches at Mt Juliet. AND as if that wasn’t enough …also on their way in a camper/caravan/transit are a group of lads from Killeshin. They leave today for Rosslare and are hoping to get to Poznan by Saturday evening. Unlike the Graigue lads they have no tickets. Katharine, producer of the show has put them all in touch with one another.
We will link up with them all following what we hope will be a famous victory for Ireland on Monday morning’s Sue Nunn Show.
Poor Chubby Brennan and the small businesses of Castlecomer are up in arms about the sense of priority of Kilkenny County Council. Chubby expressed his sense of injustice that posters for the referendum continue to festoon the walls and lamp posts while the Council was threatening fines on those small businesses who refused to remove advertising signs from outside their businesses. [By the way tomorrow is the deadline for the taking down of referendum posters- we await the prosecutions!]
Tune in to the show tomorrow for a Carlow Arts Festival Special from our Carlow Studios. 10am-12pm