The Way It Is;
Today, how private hospitals are helping out as the HSE finds itself locked out of IT systems because of the Cyber Attack, Sue talks to the Chief Nursing Officer of UPMC who own Aut Even as well as other medical facilities Gwen Daniels,
As ash dieback takes over in our hedgerows, fields and roadsides, Michael Somers of Teagasc tells us more about it,
The Historyman, Donal Cadogan, who has written and narrated the Historyman Carlow series that tells the stories from characters and events in Carlow’s past. Today we bring you the story of Pierce Butler, born in Ballintemple and one of the signatories of the Constitution of the United States,
Dr Justin Kwong; Johns Green Medical Centre and the effect of the cyber-attack on GP’s,
MaryAnn Vaughan on her show ‘The History Fix’,
Pat Durkin and Barn Owls,
And David Walsh on his new venture HaloCare using technology to keep people safe in their homes.