Twenty local pharmacies are today (Thursday) offering free blood pressure checks.
The Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) is teaming with RTÉ’s Operation Transformation in support of National Blood Pressure Day with eleven outlets in Carlow and nine more in Kilkenny taking part. (Lists of participating premises below).
Those who avail of the offering will be provided with a detailed results card and any necessary health advice or referral.
High blood pressure is symptomless but can affect two thirds of those aged over fifty and can be successfully managed once detected.
However, if untreated there’s a higher likelihood of developing a number of conditions, including heart disease, stroke, dementia as well as problems with eyesight or kidneys.
Head of Strategic Policy at the IPU, Clare Fitzell, says “Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a serious health problem in Ireland, and many people are unaware that they suffer from it. Adults should take steps to inform themselves of their blood pressure levels. Those aged over 40 should have an annual check and under 40s should have a check at least every five years.
She adds; “This year Irish pharmacies are delighted to partner with Operation Transformation to raise awareness of the risks of high blood pressure, and to encourage people to take a few minutes to get checked.
“Thankfully, many people who have slightly raised blood pressure can successfully manage this through straightforward lifestyle changes. The key is knowing what your level is and taking appropriate action. However, experience tells us that some people who undergo this week’s tests will be advised to seek further medical attention. This is not something to be feared, as it’s far better to treat high blood pressure before complications arise than after.”
Earlier this week, one of the local pharmacists participating chatted to our Una ní Mhaoldhomhnaigh on The KCLR Daily;
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