The Green Party has named its new representative for Carlow Town.
Kevin Brady is a 34-year-old cinema manager who’s been involved in organising local festivals and events in recent years.
He’s explained to KCLR News why he’s taken on this role saying “I’ve always been involved in the local community, I’ve been involved in the local St Patrick’s Day parades and ScareFest, things like that over the years and VisitCarlow as well so I’ve always been involved on the local scene in Carlow and I’ve always had a keen interest in politics so wanted to get more active and with the pandemic, I had a bit of more time on my hands, like a lot of people did, so I started getting a little more active and ended up getting elected last week to be the Green Party representative in the Carlow LEA”.
While not elected to the local authority Kevin says he’ll be doing all the work we expected from a local County Councillor, noting “I’ll be working as the backup councillor so the work that the councillors do, or the majority of the work the councillors do I’ll also be doing myself so I’ll be active on the ground working on various green issues and non-green issues as well and seen to be representative for the Green Party in the local community, I’ll be there, available if people, individuals, groups want support or have issues they want somebody to raise on their behalf I’ll be very much available to help them out”.