Thought for the Day Today:
The real drawback to marriage is that it makes one unselfish. And unselfish people are colourless.
John’s Thought for the Day is brought to you by GROW.
GROW is a Mental Health Organisation which helps people who have suffered, or are suffering, from mental health problems. Members are helped to recover from all forms of mental breakdown, or indeed, to prevent such happening. GROW, founded in Australia in 1957 by former mental sufferers, has a national network of over 130 Groups in Ireland. Its principal strength is the support members give each other from their own experience in matters to do with mental health.
Visit them on Facebook, or Online.
Here are some other gems for you!
- To have a friend be a friend
- A friend is as near as the nearest phone
- Don’t be an emotional reaction BE a Person
- The reality test of how much you value anything is how much you are prepared to sacrifice in order to secure it
- A journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step
- We acknowledged Our gifts and our strengths
- We took our courage in our hands and asked for help
- If the Rough road gets you there and the smooth one doesn’t, which road will you take?
- IF there is hope for anyone there is hope for me. If there is hope for me then there is hope for anyone.
- Evaluate soundly, be clear about what is important in your life and what is not.
- Change your losing game, don’t change your winning game.
- Meaning generate energy, lack of meaning generates depression.
- If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing badly for a start and while you’re improving.
- Am I a human being or a human doing?
- Keep your temper. If you are in the right you can afford to keep it. If you are in the wrong you cannot afford to lose it.
- If you keep doing what you are doing and you will keep getting what you are getting.
- Clear understanding make for long friendships
- Those who matter don’t mind, those who mind don’t matter
- Talk TO rather that ABOUT YOUR problem person
- Emphasise what IS rather than what ISN’T
- Feel the fear and do it anyway
- Say something nice about yourself with our adding but!
- Have the courage to make mistakes
- Don’t get imprisoned in the here and now (this too shall pass)
- Why single yourself out for harsh treatment
- You alone can do but you cannot do it alone
- When anyone pays you a compliment say “Thank you and shut up”
- The easiest way to make a task appear impossible is to keep putting it off
- Growing is finding and keeping your truest self.
- I will go by what I know not by how I feel.
- Meaning generates energy, lack of meaning generates depression.
- If anyone can rob you of your peace of mind you depend on them too much
- You’ve got to love people back to health.
- I am more durable than vunerable.
- Growth is painful but permanently rewarding.