Local reaction to the draft programme for Government is mixed as leaders of the two main political parties are set to spend the coming days selling it to their party membership.
Fianna Fáil will hold a special Ard Fheis on Sunday to ratify the deal while Fine Gael members will vote at a series of regional meetings, including one in Carlow.
Sinn Féin says the document published yesterday is ‘vague’ and contains no ‘big ideas’ or new departures.
Principal of Carlow Educate Together Simon Lewis has been sharing initial thoughts for his sector;
Kilkenny city hotelier Colin Ahern however thinks there’s a lot of positivity for hospitality and tourism;
Stay tuned for more on The KCLR Daily 10am to 1pm and if you’ve an opinion on this or other topics you can text/whatsapp straight to studio 083 306 96 96.