I was at the very colourful and delicious Taste of Carlow yesterday. Brilliant sunshine and great crowds. It was great to see KCLR there in style broadcasting from the event. We visited Visual too where it was the last day of The Big Barn installation which opened back at Éigse. Who was there but Ardal O’Hanlon rollerskating with his kids!
We had such a nice time at Bagenalstown library on Friday too. I was thrilled to see that the library is housed in the old [and magnificent] Courthouse which was where my late father Tony Curtis worked at his first job back in the 1940s. It was a delight to talk to some people who actually remembered him. Thanks to John Shorthall from Talbots Inch in Kilkenny and his staff [Bernie] who made us feel so welcome. Thanks to all the people too who came along to talk and sing and play.
Its and exciting and busy time for us here in KCLR now as we plan our coverage of yet another All Ireland with Kilkenny in contention. WE will have losts of outside broadcasts and plenty of crack and passion in the build-up to 9th September. Expect interviews with the players and fans and chat about the colour and the rivalry and stories of past glory. See lots mor on this website about the Great All Ireland Quiz and more!
Best wishes to everyone- kids, parents and teachers for the school year ahead!