A North Kilkenny Councillor has hit out at Irish Water for not including Clogh-Moneenroe in its upgrade plans.
John Brennan says the local water treatment plant is at capacity and without an upgrade any housing project earmarked for the area won’t be able to happen.
Bennettsbridge and Ballinabranna were both approved for works yesterday among 21 projects under the Small Towns and Villages Growth Programme.
But Councillor Brennan says he got a letter from Irish Water to say it has no future upgrade plans for the plant in Clogh-Moneenroe despite several calls for works to increase capacity for the local area.
He told KCLR news he is not prepared to accept it:
I have arranged a meeting with officials of Irish Water and I know Councillor Pat Fitzpatrick is going to join me in that meeting. We’re calling on Irish Water to make the necessary funding available immediately for the upgrade of the treatment plant”