Childcare, pensioners and people working from home look set to get a boost in the upcoming Budget.
Meanwhile, the Budget White Paper, released last night by the Department of Finance, confirmed a deficit of 13 billion euro for this year, meaning the government has scope for a bigger budget package than expected.
The White Paper outlines the state of public finances for this year and 2022, and is published ahead of any Budget decisions.
It shows income from tax receipts, VAT receipts and corporation tax will be higher than expected,
The Irish Times reports that pensioners and parents can expect a boost in the budget. Measures include help for families with the cost of childcare, and an increase in the state pension of five euro.
The Irish Independent reports that people working from home will be able to claim back more on heating and broadband bills.
However, petrol and diesel look set to go up, with €1.48 added to a 60 litre fill of diesel, and €1.28 extra for a fill of petrol.
The total cost of Tuesday’s budget package is expected to be around €4.7 billion.