A Carlow Councillor wants to start a ‘war on litter’ with ‘no mercy’ for the litterers.
Fine Gael’s Brian O’Donoghue says we’re facing a pandemic of rural littering carried out by ignorant and disgusting people who should be reported to the local authority if you see them.
Cllr O’Donoghue says it’s plain to see that the problem’s getting worst during the Covid-19 pandemic telling KCLR News “I’m proposing that we start a war on rural litter in particular and that we show no mercy to those who offend and who are responsible for rural litter, at the moment if you walk any of the highways and byways of County Carlow it’s incredibly apparent how much litter there is in the ditches and on the sides of the roads”.
He has this plea: “I’m calling on every individual, household and business to get out and, where possible, maybe a kilometer either side of your premises and just do a litter pick and get as much of it done as possible and, more importantly, to show no mercy, that if you witness somebody, be it your friend, a neighbour or even a family member I’m actually asking people to get on the phone and report it, report it, report it; the more reports we have the more action we can take”.
And Cllr O’Donoghue adds “We’re in the middle of a pandemic within a pandemic and the pandemic at the moment is rural litter and we have to start taking action and trying to get it sorted, the local authority will help out wherever possible and maybe we can arrange collection points on particular days but it’s up to the local people in Carlow now have to get on top of this”.