A Kilkenny councillor claims Irish Water is running a “total cowboy operation” locally.
The issue was raised at the recent meeting of the City Municipal District, which heard that several areas where waterworks were undertaken were left in a state of disrepair afterward.
Cllr Eugene Mc Guinness says it’s fallen upon the local authority too many times to cover the damages caused by this and he believes a standard needs to be set by the local authority for all future, telling KCLR News:
“They have left the roads in a dreadful state, they’ve taken ages to come back to repair them, it is fortunate that we have our town engineer Ian Gardner who deals with it and has been very forceful when it came to dealing with Irish Water but I do believe they’re a cowboy operation, I do believe that the workmanship is not up to scratch and I think that there is an onus on the county council to ensure that for Irish Water working on Kilkenny County Council houses that there should be a standard that has to be achieved and it’s not being so”.
Cllr McGuinness adds “I’ve been complaining about Irish Water for the last year, they’ve been installing water main over in Teresa’s Terrace, Fatima Place all of those places, this is a rollout for the last while, they’re been running water main up the front of buildings and covering them with pipework, which I totally and utterly disagree with, they’ve been drilling through concrete barrages on houses which in my opinion, and I’ve been involved in the building trade most of my life, it’s an absolute no-no”.
And the Independent representative also says “I have asked Irish Water on numerous occasions to come into Kilkenny County Council and to sit before the full members of Kilkenny County Council to answer questions and they, quite frankly they refuse to do so, they prefer to do this committee meeting on the side with one or two members which is not good enough for me, I want Irish Water to answer the questions in the full glare of all the media so we can get the answers”.