A South Kilkenny councillor has called for immediate action to address a dangerous junction that has claimed a number of lives over the years.
Located at Slieverue near the Rhu Glenn Hotel, the intersection has been the site of numerous fatal accidents, leaving families and the local community demanding change.
Speaking to KCLR News Cllr Fidelis Doherty says measures are needed now, noting that’s she’s; “Calling on the councillors to look at this, to make that stretch of road maybe from going down into Ballinlaw over to the Luffany Roundabout to be traffic managed and indeed for the speed limit to be adjusted there”.
She adds; “Currently it’s 100km/h and that’s as it is, but in some circumstances and indeed that’s what I’ve made a call for that to be adjusted, for that stretch of road, from Ballinlaw over to the Luffany Roundabout and indeed to make access there safer”.