Over half of Irish people think the government should pay creche workers’ wages.
The Early Childhood Ireland Barometer also shows 54% believe childcare workers with university degrees, should have the same terms and conditions as primary school teachers.
Early Childhood Ireland’s Frances Byrnes says more investment in staffing is needed, noting; “Absolutely Early Childhood Ireland hears everyday of the week from our members around Ireland that staffing is their number one issue and concern, there’s no doubt if that investment comes in it should absolutely be directed into staffing, they are the 30,000 workforce who are delivering high-quality early years and school age care and education”.
Almost three-quarters think early years education should be freely available to all children and she adds; “Parents have certainty when they’re planning a family or if baby is a surprise, they know what the first few years look like, child poverty is still a huge challenge in Ireland, we know that high quality early years is not any kind of a magic bullet but it absolutely with other family supports helps disadvantaged children the most”.