The pitfalls of living on the edge….
How children in the border town of Graiguecullen have to travel as far away as Athlone and Tullamore for eye and ear appointments instead of the nearest clinic.
We want to hear from our listeners living in border areas and how this impacts on services they can access.
Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council Andrew McGuinness responds to questions on the revelations of an audit by the local authority made public after a journalist’s FoI request.
Furious reaction to a fence erected at Aghade bridge.
Living the dream… Gerry Farrell gives us financial advice on what to do if you win the lotto!
A body recovered from the Comeraghs is that of an experienced hillwalker and runner.
Director of Housing in Kilkenny Mary Mulholland on new homes being built in rural locations and at derelict sites.
Lots more including your calls, comments and texts.