In Local News …
A report is due before Cabinet on the viability of a technological university for the South East. The search continues for a Ballyragget man missing in Waterford since July 5. A local woman’s company has raised €5million through crowd funding. While the location of the long-awaited hurling monument for Kilkenny will be discussed this week.
In Other News …
7 out of 10 people would prefer Government spending than tax cuts. Northern Ireland’s first ministers have condemned last night’s clashes. Greece has defaulted on another IMF repayment, the country now owes €2billion. The Mexican Government has offered two million for their most-wanted prison escapee.
In Sport …
We’ve details of last night’s Minor hurling action in Carlow & Kilkenny. Get all sporting fixtures & results with international news across the day.
In Entertainment …
The trailer for Comic Con’s Suicide Squad is out, the film’s due next year:
KCLR Breakfast …
John Walsh & Edwina Grace serve up KCLR Breakfast 7-10am with helpings of music, information & some banter. Meanwhile, Finlay Quaye fans were left disappointed when their star was booted out of his own gig – was the promotor right? Read about it here And we look at how men tend to shop at Dunnes Stores while women mainly choose Tesco according to a Checkout Magazine report which you can read about here. Plus tickets to win to this:
KCLR Live …
John Masterson brings you KCLR Live 10am to 12noon with the day’s issues and more. A relative of the missing Ballyragget man will be in studio to make a heartfelt appeal. We look at the Irish Pub TV series which features some local haunts. Addiction counsellor will talk about being glued to your smartphone. And lots more besides.
Lunch Time …
John Keane brings you KCLR Lunch 12-3pm with the return of the TV theme tune.
KCLR Afternoons …
Ken McGuire is in for Eoin Carey on KCLR Afternoons 3-6pm with a mix of music, chat and everything else in between.
Where To Go …
Today it was named the year’s most complained about movie & tonight you can catch Mr Turner in Carlow while Kilkenny celebrates Bastille Day – details of these & more here.
Later on KCLR …
Our news team has a round-up of the day’s stories on The Way It Is from 6pm with an emphasis on sport. Eddie Hughes brings you The Frequency from 7pm. Then from 10pm Martin Bridgeman has more folk/roots with songs like this one
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