The phrase “live locally, do business globally” came to mind this week as I spoke to some of my guests on the Bottom Line and it struck me how great a place Carlow Kilkenny is to locate a business. We’re fortunate to live in a beautiful area with a fantastic natural environment; great amenities; proximity to the country’s capital city and good transport links to air and sea ports.
I was talking to Michele Neylon of Carlow based Blacknight Solutions. Though based in Carlow Michele’s business horizons are world wide as he’s at the centre of important developments in relation to that most global of business phenomena “internet domains”. Michele is off to Spain to speak at a Conference later this week and he joined us to give us a sneak preview of what he’ll be talking about and also some major changes to “Top Level Domains” on the internet.
Another company based locally but whose entire business is based on reaching out internationally is Connect Ireland the company founded by Terry Clune. The company which targets the Irish diaspora and our wealth of business connections with the goal of bringing new business to Ireland has just concluded a new deal with Notre Dame University in the US. Seanie Comerford of Connect Ireland joined us on the programme.
Two examples of great local companies that are based locally but are acting globally.
And of course there is much business being done catering for both the local market and in getting new projects off the ground.
Winnifred Rochford joined us to tell us about the secrets behind the success of The Health Store in Brown Street in Carlow. Established when Winnifred – originally a teacher – was made redundant from her job almost 22 years ago, the business has gone from strength to strength over the years. Winnifred should serve as an example to the many people who when faced with that most cruel of fates – redundancy – takes the plunge and starts their own business.
And of course the topic of credit (the current economic blah di blah started as a credit crunch after all). Aidan Shine of the South East Business Innovation Centre joined us on the programme to discuss the topic of “demystifying the process of funding a start up/expanding business. SEBIC as holding an event in Waterford next Monday and have gathered an impressive and interesting panel. You’ll get more details here
Finally, no Tom Molloy this week but he was ably replaced by newly re-elected President of Kilkenny Chamber Donie Butler who joined us in studio for a chat about his priorities and a quick review of some of the business stories catching his eye of late. Always a pleasure to talk to Donie who as well as his position as President of Kilkenny Chamber is the Centre Manager for McDonagh Junction in Kilkenny and ideally placed to comment on the state of retail in the current environment.
As usual the Bottom Line this week was produced by the ever patient Edwina Grace
If you’d like the Bottom Line to feature your business; you’ve got an idea for an item or you’d like to make a suggestion as to how the Bottom Line can better serve you the listener please don’t hesitate to get in touch with either Edwina or myself. You’ll get us at: [email protected]
Until the next time.
Take care