New IFA president Francie Gorman spoke to Matt about his aims and aspirations for the farm sector over the next four years. Francie emphasised the importance of protecting and improving farm incomes during his presidential tenure.
A calf rearing advisory session on the Farrell farm (near Gowran in Kilkenny), provided plenty of voices for the Farm Show, including George Peppard of Teagasc advising on breeding and Charles Chavasse of AHI giving advice on calf rearing facilities and housing.
The IGA annual Dairy conference took place in Charleville this week and Matt listened in and shared the thoughts of Tadhg Buckley IFA Policy Director who spoke about Irish dairy’s competitive advantage. The Farm Show listeners also heard Laura Hannon from Meath describe her farming experiences.
Danesfort Ploughing Association will hold its Plough matches on this Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th of January on the Hughes farm in Cuffesgrange.
Eric Driver provided a sheep sales report and George Candler gave a wide-ranging review of livestock prices this week.