Some unionised healthcare workers in Carlow, Kilkenny and across the country to be balloted for strike action today
The INMO and Fórsa are asking their crews to vote on increasing action after they, with SIPTU members, staged protests ...
The INMO and Fórsa are asking their crews to vote on increasing action after they, with SIPTU members, staged protests ...
The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation's calling on the HSE to take steps to alleviate the pressure in our hospitals ...
20 people are waiting there today compared to seven yesterday, according to the INMO's Trolley Watch
18 patients are in the local emergency department with five more on other wards
The organisation's Trolley Watch shows that more than 120,00 patients have gone without a bed across the country so far ...
They're among 557 waiting in hospitals across the country today
Seven patients had been waiting on Friday, but today (Monday) there are 23 in that position
33 patients at St Luke's General were among those waiting on a bed yesterday
The INMO had said 45 people were waiting on a bed at the hospital yesterday
That's according to the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation
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